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For the past decade Africa has lost over  30% of it’s elephants due to poaching. Out of the countries involved Tanzania had lost 60% of it’s elephants from 2009 to 2014, leading as a country with the largest poaching threat in Africa by the end of 2015. Tanzania loosed over 85,181 elephants from poaching and was later left with only 43,330 elephants out of 109,051 that used to roam in the wild. Currently due to The strong Tanzanian government, we have, elephant numbers have slowly increased to 60,000. rapid killings of elephants was due to the demand of ivory from Asian countries such as China and Vietnam.

The same can be observed for the other species of wildlife like Giraffes who are facing the red flag alert, from animals at sea and at land, extinction is a threat the world faces at a rapid rate if actions not taken. AFeWiS came into existence early 2016 as a result of the passion of its founder Moses Ryakitimbo and a team of dedicated wildlife activists who had a passion to work for the cause to reduce this rate significantly. AFeWiS has learned that animals are very loyal and beautiful creatures, a heritage that is slowly diminishing if we don’t take action. The team devotes its time, energy and resources towards advocating for animal rights. Being self-driven and motivated to see a generation that will value and protect our wildlife heritage, AFeWiS believes in investing in today’s society (children and youth) for conservation for the generations to come!

Alert for Endangered Wildlife Species (AFeWiS) has been actively working to protect wildlife since 2016 in an effort to prevent illegal poaching and trophy trade. The AFeWiS team focuses on educational programmes for local communities around the reserves to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity conservation.

It is interesting to note that some of the regions where AFeWiS operates have seen an increase in tourism activity. Tourists come to enjoy the beauty of wildlife and unique landscapes. New recreational opportunities often arise in such places, including various leisure activities available online. For example, many travellers returning to their hotels after a busy day are looking for ways to relax and have fun. One popular option is to visit online casino platforms from https://waveguru.de/, offering a variety of games and entertainment available at any time. On the resource you can check the ratings of the best platforms, explore their payment methods, bonuses and much more.

The combination of AFeWiS’s wildlife conservation efforts and online entertainment options creates a unique experience for travellers. It allows them to not only enjoy the natural beauty, but also diversify their leisure time in modern ways.

Our Mission

The mission of the Alert for Endangered Wildlife Species  is to prevent illegal Poaching, Trophy Trade and secure wildlife through Foundational education to communities around Game reserves. And extend supportive services to relative public Bodies and other conservationists in facilitating for the Halting of The DEVICE among others acrimonious activities on wild animals and their relative Eco systems, so as to maximize wildlife potential for SOCIO-ECONOMIC Development.

Our Objectives

i) Impact illustrative animal rights knowledge through mass media Programmes and institutional visits annually IN AND around Game reserves;
ii) Manage and maintain Observatory accessibility of Game reserve environmental physical structures through mutual cooperation with Authorities and inhabitants.
iii) Conduct inquiries and File reports to help relative Law enforcement Bodies achieve informative efficiency ON Culprit apprehension.

Our Goals

i) Keep wild animals safe in their habitats and grazing in order to multiply.
ii) Assure a stable and supportive environment for DEVELOPMENTAL BREEDING and animal migration within the relative eco system.
iii) Assist Game reserve Conservators in availing them with information to deploy patrols in Areas of Suspicion.
iv) Keep pupils in school aware of wildlife Conservation in order to support efforts.

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